Assalaamu Alaykum
(Peace be with you)
Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālo e lelei and Warm Greetings to all
We hope that this notice reaches you and your family in good health, and that you are looking forward to returning to the kindergarten on Monday, 18 May 2020.
We know and understand that this might be both an exciting as well as a challenging time for your children to transition back into the kindergarten after a long break away and leaving the ‘safety of their bubble’. All children are different. Some children can transition back into previous routines with great ease, and minimal assistance, while others will require more support to adapt to changes. Communication is therefore critically important as we welcome you, the children and families/whānau/aiga back into our learning environment.
Teachers are ready and prepared to support children’s transition when they return; focus on Safe and Sensible Practices; and to comply with the two key Public Health Principles at Alert Level 2:
1. to reduce the risk of someone getting infected with COVID-19 in the first place, and
2. to ensure we can identify and contact anyone who becomes infected
In order to prepare the children for their return, we ask that you please communicate to them the following ‘changes in our routines’ to maintain their Health and Safety, and minimise the risk of infection of COVID-19 at Alert Level 2:
· REGULAR WASHING AND DRYING OF HANDS: when entering/leaving kindergarten; before/after meal-times; moving from outdoors to indoors; after going to the toilet
· GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES: Teachers will encourage and support children with these practices, such as washing and drying hands regularly; sneezing into nook of elbow; wiping nose when necessary; discarding dirty tissues into bin, and washing/sanitising hands thereafter. Sanitiser bottles will be strategically positioned for cleaning/sanitising of hands.
· INCREASED DAILY CLEANING ROUTINES: High risk surfaces and areas, such as climbing boxes, climbing bars, door-knobs, light switches, remotes, handles, desks, tables, chairs, sinks and toilets will be cleaned and sanitised daily.
· RESOURCES/LEARNING AREAS: Teachers have minimised resources that were often mouthed in the past, such as playdough and soft toys. Dress-ups and blankets for dolls will be rotated, and washed daily at the end of session. All resources used in both indoor and outdoor areas will be sanitised after use, and at end of session. Sanitiser bottles will be strategically placed in these areas for this to be done. Learning Areas will be carefully spaced and positioned to allow ‘natural breathing spaces’, and ‘open spaces’ for individual explorations by children. Teachers will also create comfortable and familiar spaces, by following children’s lead and interests.
· PERSONAL POSSESSIONS: All children’s belongings, including lunch-boxes and drink-bottles, will be safely kept in their cubby/locker during the day.
· MEAL-TIMES: Children will be sitting down to eat on a large mat on the floor to allow adequate spacing between them. Children will be supported to eat from their own lunch-boxes only, and not to share food with others. Spoons will be issued to the children by the teacher, if required. Scissors will be maintained and used by teachers only, to minimise contamination.
· BREAKFAST: As we have noticed the positive affect of breakfast on children’s behaviour, including development of social skills, and emotional regulation, especially when settling in in the mornings, in addition to being adequately nourished to ‘start their day’, the teachers felt that we should continue this routine, but observe strict controls. Each teacher will be assigned, in turn, to prepare and serve a nutritious breakfast to children in accordance with Health and Safety regulations, Preparation of Food in services. Children may make their own selection of fruit and sandwiches, but teachers will be assigned and rotated to serve them.
· DRINKING WATER: We would prefer that each child has his/her own water drinking-bottle, and keeps it safely in their locker/cubby. However, water would also be available in the kitchen for children without drinking bottles. Teachers will continue to support children to drink water during the day, and at meal-times.
· TOOTH-BRUSHING ROUTINE: As the children’s toothbrushes are stored close together in one holder, the teachers felt that as a precautionary measure, it would be best to suspend this routine until it is safe to resume.
· CELEBRATIONS (Religious and Cultural): This will still be celebrated internally among children and staff, but no family gatherings will be allowed, until advised otherwise and it is safe to do so. These celebrations may be reflected in the children’s respective learning stories.
· NAPPY-CHANGING: For Health and Safety reasons, and protection of staff, staff who will be changing nappies according to the Nappy-changing Policy and Procedures, will be wearing an apron, gloves, and a mask (If required), whenever they attend to children. Sanitisation/disinfection of surfaces and room will be completed after every child.
Our main focus is to minimise the spread, and to keep the children as Safe and Healthy as possible. It is by no means a guarantee that you or your child may not get COVID-19, but if someone does get it, we are in a great position to be able to quickly identify contacts to prevent the spread and provide them with the care that they require to recover.
We know and understand that this may be overwhelming for you and your child, and we welcome you to discuss your concerns and/or queries with us by telephoning / emailing / texting / messaging us. Also, please let us know whether your child will be returning to HK on Monday, 18 May 2020 OR when they will be returning to HK.
Remember that we are in this together, and that we are here to assist you.
We are looking forward to see you again!
Shukran Ngā mihi Thank you
The HK Team
16 May 2020