Term 2: 2 May 2020: COVID-19 ALERT LEVEL 3 UPDATE
Assalaamu Alaykum
(Peace be with you)
Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālo e lelei and Warm Greetings to all
The Management and staff of Haleema Kindergarten hope that this newsletter reaches you and your family in good health, and that you have by now devised coping strategies to settle into unprecedented routines at home with your families/whānau during this challenging time.
We would like to sincerely thank all parents/whānau/aiga for your continued support and honest communication about your need of care and learning for your tamarki (children) at HK during Alert Level 3, which commenced on 28 April 2020.
As you have indicated that you do not require any care and learning for your children at HK during Alert Level 3, and that you preferred them to remain in the safety of your ‘bubble’ at home, alongside your other siblings,
or until advised/requested otherwise by Government, Ministry of Education, Parents/Whānau/Aiga or BOT, Insha'Allah (God willing).
As you are understandably concerned for the Health and Safety of your children and families/ whānau/aiga during this uncertain time, the teachers also care about the children’s wellbeing and continued learning at home.
Remember that we are in this together, and that we are here to assist you.
According to the publication, ‘Information to help with your planning for Alert Level 3’, from EDUCATION.govt.nz, dated 28th April 2020, the following (extracted) advice was provided to parents and carers, in addition to the Best Preventative Measures of preventing the virus (refer HK Newsletter Term 1: 2020):
‘… We will need to continue to work together as a country in order to address the high risk of ongoing transmission of Covid-19.
* We’re all in this together.
* Under Alert Level 3 you can extend your bubble – but keep it small and tight. If needed, you can bring people into your bubble who can support you to work or can supervise learning from home.
* Stay home, stay learning. Children can continue to learn through Home Learning TV, learning from home hard packs, and through the Learning from Home and Ki Te Ao Mārama Websites:
For more information on distance learning, refer to website: http://education.govt.nz/covid-19/distance-learning/
* Keep Safe by staying home if you or your child is sick and/or ‘Vulnerable to Covid-19/at-risk’. Do not use public transport if you or your child is sick.
* Share responsibility, by continuing to work and learn from home.
* If your child continues learning from home: Stay connected to the teachers to see what they have prepared and planned for your child’s learning.
Check Home Learning TV | Papa Kāinga TV schedules. The channel is free to air on TVNZ channel 2+1 and on TVNZ on Demand, as well as on Sky Channel 502.
1. https://learningfromhome.govt.nz/
2. https://www.kauwhatareo.govt.nz/mi/resource/ki-te-ao-marama/
3. https://www.inclusive.tki.org.nz/
For Māori learners and whānau:
4. https://www.gets.govt.nz/MEDU/ExternalTenderDetails.htm?id=19630861
For Learning support and resources:
5. https://conversation.education.govt.nz/learningsupport-coordinators/
Television channels:
6. https://learningfromhome.govt.nz/updates/tv-schedules-and-presenters
Also, to support children’s interest in ‘Music and Movement’; for physical activity; and enjoyment, please find below links to children’s action-songs on YouTube:
1. https://youtu.be/TSdeIhmv6v0
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
2. https://youtu.be/69f9sCwhwYk
Boom Chicka Boom
Te reo Maori:
3. https://youtu.be/q8xNiuxgw5w
Kei te Pehea koe?
4. https://youtu.be/OdQi1MLKjaQ
Bismillah & Ramadhan (Month of Fasting) Nasheed:
5. https://youtu.be/cHqfk5lMw-E
Bismillah (In the name of God)
6. https://youtu.be/fm7DrLOc9U4
All children are different. Some children can transition back into previous routines with great ease, and minimal assistance, while others will require more support to adapt to changes. Support for children and their families/whānau as they transition between home and the early learning setting will be important at this time. Open, honest communication between teachers and parents/whānau/aiga will be vital to this transition.
To assist with this change, please refer to the following resource for more ideas:
‘SPARKLERS’ has a range of calming activities for young children:
There are some great online apps for this as well. Get children to explore these, for example:
‘HEADSPACE’ to help with keeping calm and to help with sleep: https://www.headspace.com/
Teachers will also appreciate and value your continued contribution about your children’s learning while they remain at home during alert level 3. We are especially interested in the learning games/activities they consistently choose to play, as well as their feelings, concerns and experiences in their current situation.
Prior to Alert Level 4 lockdown, 26 March 2020, children were interested and enthusiastic about plays with ‘SUPER-HEROES’. They donned ‘super-hero’ costumes and masks daily to role-play their super-heroes in keeping the children at HK ‘Safe and Happy’. They also initiated cleaning-and-sanitising routines to keep the ‘COVID-19 virus away’ and our learning environment safe.
We would like to continue this learning in developing their ‘Leadership Skills’ when they return to kindergarten, but are keen to know whether they are still interested in ‘SUPER-HERO’ plays.
We welcome any feedback / anecdotal stories / photographs of your child’s ‘Special Learning Moments’ in their plays at home.
You can send your responses to:
haleemakindergarten@xtra.co.nz OR
HK Mobile Phone #: 027 200 9784 OR
via our (new) FACEBOOK PAGE:
Thank you so much to those who have already submitted pics and videos of your children’s learning at home. We value their ‘Special Learning Moments’. Please continue to send them.
Thank you for your Patience, Understanding and Co-operation during this challenging time.
Stay Safe and Take Care, God willing.
Shukran Thank you Kia ora
The HK Team